Mr. PGBL’s Corner

Rip City 57 vs. Kings 54

Any time you go head to head with the reigning league MVP and outscore him, along with getting the win, you know it was a good night. That’s exactly what Stef Grigorakakis did tonight as he scores 27 to follow up his 37 point game from a few days ago. If Stef can keep playing this way, and the team can stay above .500 for the rest of the season, I believe he should get some MVP consideration. Rip City was on fire in the first half, jumping out to an 11 point lead. The Kings did make a run and even tied the game up late, but the Blazers stayed composed and most importantly took care of the ball. Next game for these guys is next year! Rip City vs. Danny’s Boys to open up 2014!

The Kings were short handed tonight, missing Foti Giannopoulos and Chris Kourelias, who also happen to be the leading Kings scorers this season. Despite being short handed, the Kings had plenty of fire power and put up a good fight but I believe early turnovers came back to bight them in the butt. In a close game, you must take care of the ball. Bill Zonios has been playing great in the last few games, scoring a team high 26 points tonight, 16 in the second half. Zonios had a good look at a 3 pointer to tie the game with seconds left but it rattled out. Lou Sarris Grau (10pts) did his usual thing defensively and rebounding, dominating the glass. Sunday the Kings go head to head with the Wolfpack. Will you be watching this game? Or watching the Eagles?

Game ball: Stef Grigorakakis.

Danny’s Boys 58 vs. Warriors 49

Pete Kathopoulis is on pace to not only become league MVP but scoring champion as well. Tonight Pete scored 32 points, and in the absence of Kosta Nikolos and Grigori Rallatos, Kathopoulis continues to lead. Danny’s Boys didn’t play great tonight, but they played good enough, and that’s all that matters. Tommy Poulos had his best game of this season with 15 points thanks to 3 pretty 3’s in the second half. Danny’s Boys will do battle with a confident Rip City team on Jan. 2nd as they look to keep winning and work towards solidifying a first round bye in the playoffs.

Offensively, there are 2 things that can pretty much lose the game for you. Bad shots and turnovers. The Warriors did both of those things today, too often. This game was in reach, but like I said in the Kings recap above, turnovers will come back and bight you in the butt. Will Galiatsatos led the team with 27 points tonight from everywhere on the floor. I liked watching the finger rolls on fast breaks. I’m going to push Bill and John to add a most improved player award this season, I would vote for Will. The Warriors’ season isn’t over though, with a game on Sunday against FOB, they could start to make things right. There is still time. Don’t give up.

Game ball: Pete Kathopoulis.

Sixers 69 vs. Spartans 62

Another great shooting night for Sixers guard Vas Rousseas who puts in 26 points, thanks to 5 loong range 3 pointers. Shooting lights out isn’t the only thing Vas does, I think his defensive effort should be recognized, as he may be leading the league in steals..since returning from injury. Jim Armenakis, my second pick so far for league MVP, scored 22 in another effective night for the big man. The Sixers led for most of this game and fought off a run by the Spartans with a 17-4 run of their own. Now in 3rd place, if the short handed Sixers can get their full roster back, I think they can make a push for 2nd or 3rd to get a first round bye. The Sixers’ next game is against the Kings on Jan. 2nd. After dominating the Kings earlier in the season, I’m sure this game will be tougher.

The Spartans played well, offensively. But the issues I’ve been seeing with this team is defensively. Not making the right rotations in the zone, not playing help defense and boxing out. Jim Kemmerer led the team with 19 points. Jim is athletic, strong and young. If he can improve his decision making he has potential to become one of the best players in this league. Nick Kafkalas had his best offensive game of the season with 16 points. The Spartans need Nick to do this every game in order to make the playoffs. They also need Henry Haralambidis (14pts) to shoot the way he has been recently. Henry made 4 three pointers tonight and lately it just seems like he’s got the touch. One stat that I’m sure will piss the Spartans off, but I have to share- the Spartans missed 7 free throws, and they lost the game by 7.

Game ball: Vas Rousseas.