Washington, DC – AHEPA Executive Director Basil Mossaidis, was honored with the American Hellenic Institute (AHI) Hellenic Heritage Achievement & National Public Service Award on March 5, at AHI’s 41st Annual Hellenic Heritage Achievement & National Public Service Awards Dinner held in Washington, DC.
“I was very honored to be singled out for my service to the Hellenic community. In my capacity as AHEPA Executive Director I am excited and humbled to be able to serve the community which is such a large part of my life”, said Mossaidis afterwards.
Several AHEPAns were on-hand to congratulate Brother Mossaidis, including: Supreme President John Galanis, Past Supreme President Anthony Kouzounis and Phillip T. Frangos, Past Canadian Presidents Nick Aroutzidis and Anthony Mavromaras, Past Supreme Treasurer Col. Nick Vamvakias, and Past Supreme Governor Peter Baltis, among many others.