Cherry Hill, NJ, February, 9, 2012. – The Cretans of the Greater Philadelphia hosted their 24rth annual dance this past weekend at St. Thomas Greek Orthodox church in Cherry Hill, NJ. President John Pratsinakis of the Philadelphia Cretan chapter kicked off the evening with a few comments and Cretan poems that were then followed up by his father, parish Priest, Father Emanuel Pratsinakis.
“Atlantis of Philadelphia” provided music during dinner and while the Cretan community mingled. Then, the boys from Crete, musicians George Galanis and Pantelis Krasadakis took over and provided the traditional sounds of Crete for all to dance.
The Local Cretan Dance troupe performed to the beaming audience as family and friends came out and threw money on to their sons and daughter. Cretan Dance instructor Regina Petinos said that the kids were all prepared and thrilled to be part of the night.