The parish community is excited to announce the arrival of Father Symeon Williams as the new priest at St. Sophia SS. Faith, Hope & Agape Greek Orthodox Church of Valley Forge. Born W. Samuel Williams in Richmond, Virginia, to parents Walter Guy Williams and Patricia Anne Miller, Father Symeon was raised in a Christian home. His early years were spent in a Baptist church, where he was baptized and nurtured in his faith.

Father Symeon’s personal journey to the Orthodox Church, which began in 2004, is a testament to his deep faith and spiritual quest. It was during a visit to the Greek Festival in Richmond and a tour of the Cathedral that he felt a profound connection. This marked the start of his earnest search for spiritual truth. His journey led him to Ss. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral, where he found the fulfillment of his faith. He was chrismated as a Greek Orthodox Christian on Holy Saturday in 2005, during his senior year of high school.

His educational and ministry experiences are a testament to his dedication and commitment to serving Christ and the Church. At James Madison University, he was actively involved in the Orthodox Christian Fellowship and participated in several mission trips, supported by his church family. His college years also included studying in Egypt and making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. After graduating in 2009 and spending a year volunteering in Philadelphia, he furthered his studies at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, where he earned a Master of Divinity in 2013.

Following his seminary education, Father Symeon served as a Pastoral Assistant and Youth Director at various Metropolis of New Jersey churches. He spent three years at St. Nicholas in Wyckoff, New Jersey, and six and a half years at St. Nicholas in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In February 2023, he began ministry at St. George in Piscataway, New Jersey. He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate on October 21, 2023, and, with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Apostolos of New Jersey, received the name Symeon in honor of St. Symeon the God-Receiver. On February 3, 2024, he was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on the feast of St. Symeon at Ss. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Richmond.

The parish looks forward to welcoming Father Symeon on Sunday, June 16th. In the following weeks, we will share more details about his arrival and upcoming events.