Deptford, NJThe International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) hosted it’s fourth annual benefit banquet. The event was sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Committee of the IOCC and was attended by some 300 members of the community.

A silent auction lined the Pan Athenian Grand ballroom at Adelphia restaurant, while John and Billy Koutsouros played instrumental music in the background. Guests from Orthodox parishes from around the Delaware Valley arrived during cocktail hour. The evening united Orthodox members not only from the Greek, but Russian, Ukrainian, Antiochian and other.

Special guest speaker Daniel Christopulos of the IOCC gave a moving speech about the IOCC efforts in America and the economic disparity around the world. Local children who attended the affair held up poster boards bearing statistic that reflected his comments “no water” and “1 billion people, 1 dollar a day”.

Tony Pantazopoulos, chairman of the Greater Philadelphia committee of IOCC then reflected on the IOCC and its growth as a community organization in Philadelphia. He later thanked all its volunteers and church parish participants.

The evening was highlighted by an Icon presentation to honor his Eminence, Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey for his spiritual leadership and stewardship. The Icon was commissioned at one of his favorite monasteries, The Holy Protection Monastery in White Haven, PA. It was an Icon of the Good Samaritan. His Eminence, Metropolitan Evangelos thanked Pantazopoulos and kissed the icon.

Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey gave the closing remarks that concluded with songs by the Pan Orthodox Choir of Greater Philadelphia.