AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association), founded in Atlanta, Georgia on July 26, 1922, one of the most powerful and influential Greek-American organizations in North America, with international chapters as well, held its 91st Annual Supreme Convention in Orlando, Florida, August 18-24, 2013. AHEPA is headquartered in Washington DC and the mission of the AHEPA Family (which includes the Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles, and maids of Athena) is to promote Hellenism, education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, and family and individual excellence.
At the elections of its officer on August 23, 2013, the convention delegates elected Anthony D. Kouzounis, of Houston, Texas, Supreme President. Kouzounis is a member of the Alexander the Great Chapter 29, Houston. He is a 55 year member and has held many offices in the chapter, district and supreme lodges. He has been very involved in many Greek-American societies and the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral. In addition to many other awards, he has been awarded the “The Saint Andrew Medal for Community Service” presented by Archbishop Iakovos.
Kouzounis was District Sales Manager for Olympic Airways Southwest USA Operations and was head of a real estate management firm in Houston for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of the University of Houston and is married to Mildred Ann Roche.
Installation of the elected officers and other positions were held on August 24, 2013. The newly elected Supreme Lodge consists of:
Anthony D. Kouzounis, Supreme President;
George Vassilas, Canadian President;
Philip T. Frangos, Supreme Vice-President;
John Galanis, Supreme Secretary;
Andy Zachariades, Supreme Treasurer;
Gregory Stamos, Esquire, Supreme Counselor;
Louis G. Atsaves, Supreme Athletic Director;
James Kokotas, Sons of Pericles National Advisor.
The newly elected Supreme Governors comprise of:
Nick Stathopoulos, Region I;
Phillip Yamalis, Region II;
Ted Fanikos, Region III;
Nicholas Nikas, Region IV;
Tony Manolias, Region V;
Nick Kavadas, Region VI;
Nicholas Dixie, Region VII;
George Booras, Region VIII.
The Supreme Convention for next year will be held July 21-26, 2014, in New Orleans, LA.