Ahepans are conveying their “thanks” by giving back to vulnerable populations in their communities.

In memory of John Sempeles, Chapter 64, Harrisburg, PA, donated $2,000 to four local charities to help feed those in need. The Ahepans presented a $500 donation each to Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, the Bethesda Mission, the Boys Club of Greater Harrisburg, and the Philoptochos of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Camp Hill, PA. Sempeles, who passed unexpectedly a year ago, donated his time to several civic and charitable organizations in the Greater Harrisburg area. The chapter has collected and donated a total of $5,000 in Sempeles’ memory.

The board of AHEPA 408 Apartments, Wilmington, NC, catered Thanksgiving dinners for the residents on November  23. Chris’ Restaurant delivered 63 individually packaged meals to the community for the residents and staff.

The board of directors of AHEPA 29 Phase III Apartments, Houston, donated Thanksgiving meals that were delivered yesterday. Residents were also gifted a kit that included hand sanitizer, a surgical mask, and a face mask branded with AHEPA Management Company’s logo, all of which were donated by a relative of the community’s service coordinator.

Also, the board of AHEPA 35 Manor Apartments, Nashua, NH, prepared and delivered Thanksgiving meals for residents of the community last week.

AHEPA 408 Apartments, AHEPA 29-III Apartments, and AHEPA 35 Manor are affordable independent senior living communities for low-income elderly persons administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program and managed by AHEPA Affordable Housing Management Company.

Also, Ahepans from Leonidas Chapter 77, Binghamton, NY, are giving back to their community this holiday season by promoting and self-funding a coat drive for needy local school children. They worked in cooperation with two guidance counselors.

As #GivingTuesday and the holiday season approaches, amid a challenging environment due to COVID-19, AHEPA will be issuing a challenge to its chapters to go the extra mile to help those in need.