Edison, NJ – The Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation hosted its 30th Annual Fall Gala on Saturday evening. AHEPANs and friends attended this great tradition that continues to be one of the most prominent of the year.
Daughters of Penelope past Grand President Evelyn Tsiadis was the Master of Ceremonies who kicked off the evening by welcoming guests. The National Anthems of both Greece and the United States initiated gala, which was followed by the invocation by Father Paul Panos.
Welcoming remarks were made by chairman Christos Prentzas. He introduced Daughters of Penelope Grand President Celia Kachmarski, who got cheers as she came to the podium. Her speech addressed the achievements of the Daughters of Penelope for the year and new chapters that had recently been launched.
The foundation also awarded and recognized Antoinette Marousis-Zachariades for her years of service to the foundation. Foundation chair Christos Prentzas then handed out grants to cancer researchers from Fox Chase Cancer Center, Weill Medical College of Cornell University/Children’s Blood Foundation and the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey. This brought the new grand total of $1,170,000 by the Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation. It was another step forward in the battle for a cure for cancer.