February 5, 1913: During the Balkan Wars, a Greek Farman MF.7 airplane, piloted by Lt. Michael Moutoussis and with Ensign Aristeidis Moraitinis as an observer, dropped four bombs on Turkish anchored ships and is regarded as the first naval-air operation in military history.
In 1912, with the newly formed aviation branch of the Greek Army, Lt. Moutoussis was one of six to begin training. During the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, after his training, he was sent to the Macedonian front where he bombed a Turkish position. He was then moved to the Epirus front where, again, he performing bombing runs, but also scouting missions around Ioannina.
He was then sent to the Aegean front and took part in the Battle of Lemnos. After the battle, on February 5, 1913, they flew missions to locate the Ottoman fleet. They had dropped four bombs on Turkish ships but causing little damage. During their return flight, they were forced into the sea because of engine failure and were picked up by the Greek Destroyer Volos. Both Greek and International press commented that their operation is regarding as the first naval-air operation in military history.

The Farman MF.7 of Moutoussis and Moraitinis collected by Velos after their Dardanelles mission, 1913
Moutoussis, who was born in 1885, reached the rank of Air Commodore during his military service, also fought in World War I in 1917-1918 and the Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922. He died in 1956.