Broomall, PA – AHEPA Power District 4 played host this past Monday evening to Supreme President Anthony Kouzounis and the members of the Supreme lodge. Kouzounis was elected the new supreme President of the AHEPA this past July at the 91st annual convention in Orlando. A member of the Alexander the Great chapter 29, Houston, he is a 55 year member and has held many offices in the chapter, district and supreme loges.

Kouzounis had spent the last week meeting with various chapters throughout the district where he conveyed his message to invigorate and unite the district through membership. On the national level, he brought up historic an philanthropic projects the Ahepa had been actively working on including, funding for Greece and Cyprus and the Dawson Mine Explosion, that will honor those killed in a mining accident nearly 100 years ago in New Mexico.

Kouzounis also brought attention to the Sons of Pericles and the need to invigorate the youth. That’s where District 4 Athletic Director Nick Voutsakis announced a new grassroots movement by the district to fund and promote the PGBL (Philadelphia Greek Basketball League). The adult basketball league has been gaining national attention for it’s highly competitive athletic association, now in it’s 7th year, that draws on the young men of the Greek-American Philadelphia metropolitan area.

The evening brought together some 6 chapters from across the state for Power District 4. Attendees expressed a great interest in working with the national office after Kouzounis announced a plan to raise funding to send a container to Greece to. Ahepa chapter 484 of Chester, PA, quickly responded and announced that they would donate the first $1000 toward the container relief effort for Greece.

Kouzounis and the Supreme lodge will be in NY and will continue to meet with Ahepans in the coming weeks across the country.