Washington, DC – The American Hellenic Institute hosted its 42nd-anniversary Awards on Saturday evening at the Capitol Hilton. Dr. Van Coufoudakis, Paul Glastris, Dennis Mehiel and Dr. George Korkos, were recognized. The awards are given in the area of national public service and Hellenic heritage achievement.

The evening was hosted at the Capitol Hilton in Washington DC, where Greek-Americans from around the country attended. Larry Michael (executive producer of Media for the Washington Redskins), kicked off the evening as Master of Ceremonies.

Following the presentation of colors, Sophia Pelekasis sang both the national anthems of Greece and the United States. President of the American Hellenic Institute Foundation Constantine Galanis welcomed the attendees and then introduced Nick Larigakis, the President of the American Hellenic Institute. Laragakis spoke about the history of the organization and current affairs before breaking for dinner.

Galanis and Laragakis then brought to the podium each guest and presented them with an award recognizing them for their service and dedication to Hellenism. Each speaker shared their thoughts on Hellenism and its ideals that inspired them.

Professor and academic leader Van Coufoudakis, Ph.D. was awarded the Hellenic Heritage National Public Service Award, for his academic achievements, domestically and internationally, and for his fervent advocacy of the rule of law regarding US relations with Greece and Cyprus.

Journalist and publisher Paul Glastris was awarded the Hellenic Heritage National Public Service Award in recognition of his enduring commitment to a free press.

Industrialist and social entrepreneur Dennis Mehiel received the Hellenic Heritage Achievement Award for his business, philanthropic and civic achievements.

Surgeon and entrepreneur George Korkos, MD, FACS was awarded the Hellenic Heritage Achievement Award for his lifelong commitment and leadership in medicine and activism in the Greek American community.

Following a benediction by Rev. Konstantinos A. Pavlakos, the guests were treated to a silent auction and music to dance to by Apollonia.