June 5th, 2012. Drexel University honored Dr. George P. Tsetsekos, the Dean of the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University this past week. Staff members, friends and family gathered at the Behrakis Grand Hall and said farewell.

Set against a Greco/Roman court, one by one, associates came forward and spoke of their relationship and association with Tsetsekos. Founded in 1891, The LeBow College of Business is consistently ranked as one of the top business schools in the nation by US News and World Report, Bloomberg Businessweek and The Economist. According to a recent press release issued by the school, Tsetsekos feels he has accomplished all the goals he set during his time as dean. He also said he looks forward to returning to teach as the George Francis Professor of Finance after completing a year’s sabbatical starting September 1.