Fifth District AHEPA Cancer Research Foundation hosted its 27th annual Fall Gala on Saturday, November 4, 2017. Ahepans from all over the world came to honor this great tradition. In particular, Supreme lodge members from Don Vanover of Minnesota, George Booras of California, Jack Isaac of Connecticut, Dr Alfred Barich of Greece and Canadian president Christos Argyriou of Canada also attended the event again this year, showing along with Supreme President Carl Hollister from Ohio and Grand Daughters President Eva Jean Fomalont of California that Ahepans from all over the world stand united in the battle against cancer.

The Foundation Chair Antoinette Marousis and Vice Chair Chris Prentzas provided approximately $60,000 in grants to cancer researchers from Fox Chase Cancer Center, Weill Medical College of Cornell University/Children’s Blood Foundation and the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey attended, graciously showing their appreciation and providing updates on their grant research in the battle for a cure for cancer.

Georgette Boulegeris, the toastmaster of the evening, noted the history of the Foundation, noting the generosity of Ahepans throughout the domain and it’s Ahepa family principally the Daughters of Penelope has been united behind the common cause of philanthropic support of cancer research.

Images courtesy of Stellios Lambrou