The International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) sponsored a Wine Tasting and Silent Auction at Evangelismos Greek Orthodox Church in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania this past weekend. The IOCC is an international organization that provides assistance to those in need, either in response to emergencies or to meet long-term socio-economic development needs, IOCC’s fundamental policy is to develop a sustainable indigenous capac- ity to carry out such programs. It’s headquartered in Baltimore Maryland and is reaching out to the Philadelphia metropolitan community to expand it’s efforts. Tony Pantazopoulos, chairman of the IOCC Greater Philadelphia committe is making efforts for the IOCC’s growth in the community. There are now 16 churches from the Delaware Valley that participate with the IOCC and he’s looking to expand to 25 churches in the next two years.

Sonata Wines (exclusive Greek wine distributor) out of South Philadelphia donated the wines that came from Greece. Attendees at the event, got to bid on a variety of art work that was donated by prominent members of the Greek community.