Kings 72 vs. Grizzlies 45

The Kings are rolling, now winners of 4 of their last 5 games. One big reason is the improved offensive play of Bill Zonios (22 pts), who had a slow start to the season but lately has shown why he has been runner up for league MVP for the last 2 seasons. Foti Giannopoulos (20 pts) has been making an MVP push of his own. Foti has led the Kings in scoring this year, and helped them get a win tonight with multiple blocked shots and rebounds. Chris Kourelias is having a great season as I mentioned before, with 12 points tonight, Kourelias is always a key factor in any game with his hustle and passing.

The Grizz lose another one but I saw something I liked in this game. Jimmy Kemmerer made his season and league debut with 18 points. Kemmerer is a young athletic slasher and gives the Grizzlies another offensive weapon. Pete Tsamoutalis has been to all 10 games this season, scored 130 points and is averaging, if my math is correct, 13ppg. With 12 tonight, Pete is improving as a down low post presence. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if the Grizz can get everybody there, THEY CAN AND WILL WIN. With a lineup that includes Nick Kafkalas, Jimmy Kemmerer, Tsamoutalis, Andrew Milonas, and the Hustle of Laz Karasavas, this team can win.

Game ball goes to the Kings Big 3- Zonios, Giannopoulos, Kourelias..combined 54 points.

Sixers 64 vs. Warriors 62

Besides the Revolution, no team has made better offseason moves. With the addition of Armenakis, Grammenos, and Voutsinas, the Sixers have been near the top of the standings all season. This game was a test for the Sixers and they passed. 4 guys in double figures, Armenakis-13, Grammenos-20, Zikos-13 and the one who stood out the most to me, Jim Voutsinas with 14 points. Voutsinas does all the things other players don’t want to do. Scrap for rebounds, hustle every game and play very hard defense. We all now what Tony Grammenos is capable of offensively, but Jim Voutsinas gets my game ball for tonight. A forward who showed he can put the ball on the floor and help break a full court press late in the game.

The Warrios have now lost 3 close games in a row and it’s not going to get any easier with the Revolution coming up next. George Vlahos can only do so much by himself and the Warriors need to step up and help him with the load. Vlahos scored 20 points tonight and continues to lead the league in scoring which he so often does. Aris Haritonidis was a tad below his average with 12 points. But the player who stood out for the Warriors, was Niko Papatsiaras with 16 points. Niko played a game very similar to Jim Voutsinas, Hustle rebound and tough defense. Way to step up for his team but unfortunately not enough. I think the Warriors need more from Nick Karalis, who is very talented but having a quiet season. If he steps up and scores 10-15 along with Will Galiatsatos, the Warriors will be back in Championship form, but until that happens I believe they will struggle.

Game ball goes to Jim Voutsinas

Terps 68 vs. Mavs 59

In the performance of the night, Niko Balis scored a season high 41 points. One of the highest totals in PGBL history. Only one other player has scored over 40 and that’s George Vlahos a few years ago when he scored 50. Balis didn’t only score, he drove to the basket, pushed the ball in the open court and made some nice passes. Balis also missed 5 free throws which would of put his total at 46 points!. The only thing that surprised me about this performance was how quiet it seemed because the points were spread out. Good win for the terps but they face the big guys in purple on Sunday.

The Mavs’ playoff hopes are slowly slipping away. With 4 straight losses now, the Mavericks need to establish a sense of urgency now if they want to keep fighting for a spot. There is still a chance, but no time to waste. Dimitri Poulimenos has done one thing very well since he came into this league, that’s put the ball in the basket. One of the top names on the all time points list did his thing tonight with 29 points from inside and out. Zois Gassis added 10 points of his own following a good performance last week. The Mavs problems can be fixed but it needs to begin with hustle. Hustle is usually contagious, and if a couple players show it, others will follow.

Game ball goes to the Niko Balis