October 21, 2012. Broomall Pa. Week #3 of the Delaware Valley Greek Orthodox basketball league played out in two venues this past weekend. One, Holy Trinity in Egg Harbor, NJ, and the other, St. Luke, in Broomall Pa.

At St. Luke, it wasn’t quite all the colors of the rainbow, but we enjoyed the game action just the same. Red, Green and a sprinkling of Yellow covered the wooden floor. The two churches paired up in 4 matches, that featured St.Luke’s and St. Georges (A) and (B) teams in boys and Girls divisions. Game three, featured St. George, playing St. George. To simplify that game, the (B) team wore Yellow pinnings. Although it may sound confusing, we’ve attached a listing of the game scores below and provided a link to the league web site here: Phillygreekball.com

At. St. Luke Church, Broomall

Broomall – Girls 18 Media #1 – Girls 8
Broomall #2 – Boys 8 Media – Boys 23
Media #1 – Girls 17 Media #2 – Girls 8
Broomall #1 – Boys 17 Media – Boys 36