Friday, March 28th, 2025

Odyssey school hosts Independence Day and Hellenism at Open House

St. Thomas Students put on their Blue and White

St. Thomas Greek Orthodox church observes Independence Day

Presidential Proclamation: Greek Independence Day

Greek Dancing Follows Independence Day Parade

U.S. State Department: On The Occasion of Greek National Day

Philadelphia, a Greek City celebrates Independence Day

Greek Independence Day Parade 2015 – Photo gallery

Hellenic Federation Awards Eleftheria Medal to Spiros Spireas – Photo gallery

Doxology for Greek Independence Day in Philadelphia

Philadelphia, USA, 1994

Spireas and Kousoulis Family’s Unite Greek community at Federation Annual Dinner

Floats, Marching band and National Anthem, Preparations for Parade Finalized

Hellenic Philharmonic Society band to march in Philadelphia’s Greek Independence Day Parade

Greek Independence Day 2015 in Philadelphia

Dr. Spiros Spireas to receive Eleftheria Medal

Federation Meeting Finalizes Greek Independence Day 2015 Details

Philadelphia Greek Federation chοoses new theme for Greek Independence Day

Federation announces Independence Day Parade

Upper Darby becomes Little Greece on Greek Independence Day [video]

Ben Franklin turns Blue, Philadelphia Greeks celebrate Independence Day [Video]

2014 Greek Independence Day Dance and Proclamation

10,000 Greeks March, Philadelphia 2014 Greek Independence Day Parade

St. Thomas students celebrate Greek Independence