Saturday, February 15th, 2025
Nameday of Evsevios, Evsevia, Efsevios, Efsevia, Sevi

St. George Greek Festival in Olde City – Photo gallery

St. George Cathedral Greek Festival 2015

Byzantine Choir Performs at Vespers for the Feast Day of St. George

The Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral, April 19, 2015

The Return of St. George’s Bid ‘n’ Buy

Greek Orthodox Cathedral, A night of Fellowship – Photo gallery

St. George Philoptochos to host annual Bid ‘n’ Buy

Epitafios circles Greek Orthodox Cathedral neighborhood – Photo gallery

Holy Friday Observance at St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral

The Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral, March 15, 2015

The Divine Liturgy at St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral, February 22, 2015

The Divine Liturgy at St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral, January 18, 2015

Golf Classic honors Cedar Farms’ Gus Pahides and raises funds for St. George Cathedral

St. George Cathedral Golf Classic proves successful for 2nd consecutive year

St. George Cathedral 2nd Golf Classic

Annual Greek Festival at St. George Cathedral now in it’s 40th year

Atmosphere at St. George Greek Festival Attracts Community

St. George Greek Festival in Old City

Cathedral Dance Raises funds for restoration

2014 St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral Dinner Dance

Announcing St. George 2014 Annual Dinner Dance

Philoptochos Vasilopita Cutting Funds Saint Basil Academy

Greek Food Festival at St. George Cathedral

Sizzling Souvlakia, A Greek tradition in Philadelphia

Eat, Drink, Dance, The St. George Cathedral Festival

A community celebration at St. George, Philly’s Greek Pride