Saturday, March 8th, 2025
Nameday of Aetios, Aetos, Eagle, Eliana, Filoktimon, Philoktimon, Iliana, Eliana, Ilias, Elias, Loxantra, Loxandra, Lysimahos, Lisimahos, Lysimachos, Lisimachos,, Orthodoxis, Doxis, Doxakis, Orthodoxia, Orthoula, Axia, Roxanne, Roxane, Roxani, Roxana, Roxy, Rox, Sarantos, Sarandos, Sarantis, Sevirianos, Severiano, Sebirianos, Seberiano, Smaragda, Smaragdenia, Smaro, Smara, Smaroula, Smaragdoula, Smaragdos, Smaragdis, Smaragdenios, Smaris, Smaros, Vivianos, Vivi, Vivian, Xanthos, Xanhtoulis, Xanthoula, Xant

Bingo Night at St. Thomas – A Photo Gallery

Fans Pack South Jersey Greek Festival – Video

St. Thomas Agora Fall Festival Dances the Night Away

St. Thomas Agora, a place to shop, dance and eat

Disaster Relief for Greece and Cyprus at St. Thomas

Danielle Kousoulis Remembered, 911

11th Annual Danielle Kousoulis Memorial Cup Fundraiser

Bingo Bags and Baklava

St. Demetrios and St. Thomas Celebrate Resurrection of Christ

Daughter of Penelope host “Spring Time in Paris” Tea Party and Fashion show

Spring Time in Paris

GOYA Sights and Sounds Returns to St.Thomas

American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Philly’s Greek community has “Sights and Sounds”

With Poem and Song, St. Thomas Greek School Commemorates Greek Independence

St. Thomas Greek School Celebrates Hellenic Independence

Celebrating the Three Hierarchs at St. Thomas Greek Orthodox church

Poem and Dance, Celebrating Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters

Dancing the Night Away, St. Thomas Greek School

Photo Op for beaming Greek School Parents

Christmas Party for St. Thomas Seniors, Philoptochos and Kali Parea

St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church nearing a half century

45 Years Later, St. Thomas Celebrates as a community leader

St. Thomas Breaks ground on Senior housing

Housing Project Begins! St. Thomas Reaches another Milestone

Food and Fun at St. Thomas Greek Festival

St. Thomas Greek Festival dances late into the night